SMJK Tsung Wah Teacher's Day Celebration Speech by Mr. Ong Yer Chye (Deputy Chairman of the School Board of Governors & on behalf of PBM Tsung Wah)
尊敬的董事长许益镇PMP, AMP和董事们,
各位来宾,女士们, 先生们,
今晚是我在1965年(将近50年前)母校高中毕业后,首次回校以署理董事长的身份,与董家教成员一同庆祝这有意义的常年教师联欢晚宴,也是我们作为母校校友应做的尊师重道的一种表示。一千多年前,唐宋八大家之首的韩愈,在他的一篇文章中,强调“ 古之学者必有师,师者传道授业解惑也,人非生而知之者, 恕能无惑,惑而不从师,其为惑也终不解矣”。时至今日, 师长们的职责, 更是有增无减。
自从我们在2013年举办了崇华国中成立50 周年庆典后,欣然见到众多校友们不时回校访问,并多次举办了回馈母校的活动,尤其是远在雪隆地区的崇华儿女们,也积极参于, 我感到无限的欢欣鼓舞。
今年也是标志性的一年,崇华(雪隆)校友会的领导,也加入了母校国中的董事团队, 以实际行动支援母校。这一年来,我们目睹在学校的大环境里,装置了有冷气设施的大礼堂, 建好了有盖篮球场,教师办事处也按装了冷气机和进行了各种维修的需求等。在群策群力下,我相信学校,在董事长的有效和积极的领导下,将能逐渐完善软硬体设施,促进学习和教学环境。
现今是个动荡的时代, 日新夜异,兢争激烈, 适者生存。或者在教育领域中,没有这激烈的感受。然而,我还是鼓励老师们,学无止境,应利用一切机会,在学术和工作领域里, 自我提升,这是生存之道,也将有效地促进你们职业生涯的发展 。这是我个人经验, 愿与各位共勉之。
下个月10月11日, 星期六,迎来了崇华(雪隆)校友会成立十六周年纪念晚会, 我诚邀崇华国中董家教成员出席这在浦种喜来登鱼翅酒家举行的晚宴,共襄盛举。有意参加的老师们, 可通知校长, 以便安排。
最后, 我谨祝校长和各位老师,在崇华国中的大家庭里, 教学愉快,身心 康健,家庭幸福。
Yang Bhg En. Khor Yak
Tiang PMP, AMP dan semua Ahli-Ahli Lembaga
Yang Bhg En. Cheah
Weng Yin dan semua Ahli-Ahli Jawatan
Guru Besar dan Guru-Guru
yang dihormati
Tuan tuan dan Puan puan,
I am delighted to be able
to present at this Teacher Days Gathering and Dinner as the Deputy Chairmen of
the School Board of Governors . This traditional event of appreciation and
acknowledgement of the dedication of all the teachers of SMJK Tsung Wah, have been carried out since time memorial and
as an old boys of the school I fully support this meaningful activity accorded
to the teacher fraternity of SMJK Tsung Wah.
I am really pleased to
notice after the 50 Anniversary Celebration of the School held in 2013 , alumni including those
domicile at Selangor and Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, have shown greater interests in the welfare
and development of their alma mater, through more frequent visits to the school and held events
in the school with contribution derived dedicated to the school fund.
Dear Headmaster and all
beloved teachers
Year 2014 is significant
in the historical milestone of SMJK Tsung Wah as the leaders of Persatuan Bekas
Murid Tsung Wah, Selangor dan Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur commenced its
maiden direct participation in the governing and development endeavours of the
school. Within the last l2 months you must have
noticed significant environment enhancement being carried out within the
school compound, notably with the air-conditioner
facility being installed at the School Assembly Hall, commissioning of the covered Basketball
Court, provision of conducive working
environment of the teachers’ office and many repairs and maintenance works
being completed. All these are aimed at
providing a better teaching and learning environment for the teaching staff and
the students. I fervently believe under the effective leadership of the
Chairman of the School Board of Governors, the hardware and software of the
school shall progressively be further improvised.
Guru-guru yang dihormati ,
Present time is a
turbulent era, things changed speedily and is unpredictable. Only the fittest
will survive. Although competition may not be as vigorous within the confine of
the school compound, nevertheless, I
will still like to convey to all beloved teachers that learning is a live-long
process. All of you should seize every opportunity available to better equipped
yourselves, academically or
professionally. The better equipped
person shall strive in the career development process and will be rewarded
accordingly under the challenging situation.
Last but not least, I wish
all of you can continue to enjoy teaching under the big family of SMJK Tsung
Wah, be physically and mentally fit and healthy and have a wonderful family
Thank you. Good night.
Ong Yew Chye
Deputy Chairman,
School Board of Governors,
SMJK Tsung Wah Kuala
September 24, 2014